Monday, September 6, 2021

September 6, 2021 - Macon, GA

We decided to start heading south today by taking back roads through Athens and getting a room in Mscin tonight. Tomorrow I'll head home to Gainesville and Ted will go to Orlando.

Today was a mixed bag of some heat, a little rain, traffic and slightly mixed up directions (possibly my fault).  

Morning at the cabin

Getting ready to head out this morning 

Me wondering where Ted went

Sunday, September 5, 2021

September 5, 2021 - Bryson City, NC

We spent a lot of time in the saddle today, didn't cover a lot of miles but spent a lot of time on nice, mostly 2-laned country roads.  We had breakfast at the Fryemont Inn in BC and began heading towards Hot Springs, NC by way of "The Rattler", a very twisty road, 206 turns in 24 miles.  It was a fun ride and the best part was there wasn't much traffic, unlike the Tail of the Dragon. We stopped at Ferguson General Supply Store which starts The Rattler heading north and had a nice chat with an old Geezer who tried to sell us one of the housing lots that used to make up his farm.  They were too rich for our blood.

We stopped for coffee in Hot Springs and a bite at a small local owned bakery and cafe. Next stop was the jam packed Little Switzerland resort which was too crowded so we turned around and left.   There was a fair amount of traffic heading back to BC through Asheville.  Instead of waiting for dinner we stopped at an Ingels grocery store for some salad stuff and went to the cabin.

Ferguson General Store

Ferguson General Supply Store

Start of The Rattler 

Ted gearing up next to a $55,000 Honda Gold Wing trike

Saturday, September 4, 2021

September 4, 2021 - Bryson City

Ted and I did a lot of riding and eating. Breakfast was at a local place in town. We rode around and ended having a late lunch at the Tapoco Lodge on the Cheoah River built in 1930 by Alcoa Aluminum to lodge employees of former hydroelectric dams.

When we were riding around we rode to Clingman"s Dome in Smoky Mountain National Park and saw a black bear only about 15 feet from us in the parking lot.  It happened so fast we didn't have time to get a picture.  

Video of Oconaluftee River in Smoky Mountain National Park HERE

Ted sitting on cabin porch in his LL Bean slippers

Tapoco Lodge on the Cheoah River 

Tapoco Lodge on the Cheoah River 

Fontana Dam

Terry at Tapoco Lodge on the Cheoah River 

Friday, September 3, 2021

September 3, 2021 - Bryson City, NC

 Ted and I left Brunswick around 8:30 AM and got in to Bryson around 4:00 PM, had dinner and hot to the cabin around 6:00 PM.  The cabin is owned by Chris a friend of Ted's who is also his SnapOn tool guy. 

The weather was great and the traffic wasn't too bad except for around Columbia, SC on I-26.  We took a little detour to Pisgah resort area on the Blue Ridge Parkway. We got to over 6,000 feet elevation and the temp dropped to 63 degrees. 

Sam and Max gave a pair of sun glasses that correct my color blindness and I wore them all day. I really like them and they work great, especially on the bike in full sun.

This an example of Ted's routing expertise - riding around in circles

Ted sitting on the cabin porch in Bryson City 

I took this selfie while riding today wearing the new sun glasses that correct my color blindness. They work great. I really like them especially when riding when it's sunny. 

Sitting at Pisgah resort 

Ted on his BMW R 1200 GSA

Flooding damage

Sunset at the cabin

Thursday, September 2, 2021

September 2, 2021 - Brunswick, GA

I am leaving this afternoon to meet brother Ted in Brunswick, GA where we will be staying tonight.  Tomorrow we head up to Bryson City, NC to a cabin of a friend of Ted's.  The weather looks decent now that Hurricane Ida is gone.

The trip tracker for this trip can be found here: HERE 

The picture below is one Sooz took of me sitting on the GS, without riding gear, obviously.  I am ordering a new seat from Russel Day Long Seats and they wanted a couple of pictures of me on the bike to help them properly size the seat.