Friday, July 15, 2022

July 15, 2022 - Ontario, OR - 370 miles

We were on the bike and moving by 8:30am this morning. Our ride took us through the high desert of eastern Oregon averaging around 4,500 feet above sea level. Temperatures hit 100 degrees by the afternoon and stayed there until 4:30pm when we arrived in Ontario, Oregon. We had full sun all day. The humidity was low by Florida standards but it was still hot. We took several breaks and doused ourselves with water helping us stay cool for maybe 30 minutes until all the water evaporated. 

The roads we took were 2-laned secondary non-Interstate and in pretty good shape overall. Some of the views were expansive, looking miles in both directions with low vegetation, like sagebrush, and very few trees. 

Several times today we rode through swarms of grasshoppers. They plastered themselves on the bike's windshield, our helmet faceshields and all over our riding gear. They even stung a little when they smacked into our arms and hands.

Since we had no internet access for the last 2 days I have included some pictures below from our ride to Crater Lake 2 days ago. Even in person the blue color of the lake seems artificial. It is a deep blue almost florescent. The contrast between the blue lake, patches of white snow, dark brown of the surrounding mountains, topped off with the blue sky and fluffy white clouds is spectacular. 

Tomorrow we continue east probably visiting Susie's brother Joe in Salt Lake City. Temperatures will hit triple digits again so we plan on getting an early start and taking lots of hydration breaks.

Short video by Susie of Crater Lake she took from the back of the bike

Short video of Crater Lake taken from a viewing area

Crater Lake 

Riding around Crater Lake taken by Susie while riding

Proof we were at Crater Lake

It happens every year

The busiest place at Crater Lake - the souvenir shop

After visiting Crater Lake we had lunch at the Diamond Lake Resort and I took a dip in Diamond Lake. It felt great.  We really liked the low key feel of the DL Resort and would probably stay there if we ever go back.

Diamond Lake Resort 

Today in the boonies

While riding today we came across areas  of free range, unfenced cattle 

This guy never moved an inch, even as we rode around him

1 comment:

  1. Hello! Crater Lake is beautiful! I could almost feel Terry's dip in diamond lake. Stay cool.🥰
