Thursday, August 10, 2023

August 10, 2023 - Aberystwyth, Wales

 Today's weather was gorgeous, mid-70s, mostly sunny and mild winds.  In traveling to our hotel here, we rode on mostly rural, single lane, 2-way roads through the beautiful Welsh landscape.  We only rode 100 miles but it took us 6 hours with a lunch stop.  We did stop a lot for pictures though.  Lots of sheep, too, in unfenced pastures next to the roads who sometimes wandered into the road.  I was impressed with the sheep, when they heard the motorcycle they ran off the road, especially the young ones when I beeped our truck-sounding air horn.

One observation while riding - riders in Wales do not do the motorcycle full hand wave.  In the US and Europe, when we pass another motorcyclist on the road going the other way, we do a slight wave with our left (non-throttle) hand.  It's a show of recognition of another rider.  In Switzerland, I learned the raised 4-finger acknowledgement using my right (throttle) hand.  I have only seen that in Switzerland, and I kind of like it.  You don't have to take your hand off the handlebar so it's more stable, and still shows recognition.  

Here, the riders do what I am calling the "Wales nod".  They don't do any hand waving or finger raising.  They just do a reserved head nod.  I continue to wave and hope to get a wave in return before we leave country.

Another item to catch up, while we were in Northampton several days ago, Sooz and I mailed back to Gainesville 4 bags and a small box of mostly excess clothing and electrical charging cords that we were not using. The added gear was just taking up room and weighing down the bags, and hurting my back everytime I had to unload the bike.  Not having the extra weight on the bike also helps its handling and maneuverability - so it's been a good thing.

The riding today was excellent.  It was tiring due to the blind curves and narrow 2-way roads, but it was spectacular.  I have uploaded a lot of pictures below and hopefully you can get a feel for what it was like.  Thanks to Sooz for taking some great pictures from the back seat of the GS.

Today's route of only 100 miles, but a beautiful 100 miles

This was at our B&B from last night, a working farm

The B&B from last night

Coming into a small town with a 30 mph speed limit

Angry ducks

Same ducks squawking at us, but the sheep in the background ignoring us

A phone booth and post box out in the middle of nowhere

Proof we visited Devil's Bridge - we were getting tired and didn't want to get off the bike and walk 30 feet

It turned out, we rode through several miles of Welsh defence department training lands

Test your Welsh language skills

Unsuitable for Caravans (RVs and travel trailers)


  1. I've never seen white turkey vultures careful

    1. Point taken. Maybe we should get a white turkey vulture sticker for the GS to protect us.
