Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September 25, 2019 - Isle of Skye, Scotland

Susie and I had another wonderful day of beautiful riding on the motorcycle, excellent food and fun conversation.  We started with breakfast at the Applecross Inn and packing up the bike.  Based on recommendations from Jerry last night we headed southwest along the coast arriving at Nanny Cafe for coffee and a piece of cake.  The ride was spectacular.  Another narrow, 2-way cart path of a road through dramatic landscape and changing vegetation.  It started without trees and ended in thick woods and shrubs.

When we were stopped for coffee at Nanny's I had a fun conversation with a truck driver delivering goods to the cafe.  He described what it was like getting up at 4am and driving 12 months a year in the road from Applecross to Nanny's.  He loved his job and said it can be challenging in the winter now that the municipal governments have c'waat baat on the grit and salt.  It took me awhile to figure out he was saying cut back, meaning it was much more dangerous with less grit and salt on the icy and snowy roads due to the municipal government trying to save money.

We both took a lot of pictures and I have included some videos that Sooz took while riding on the back seat of the motorcycle. She's amazing.

Dinner tonight was 2 orders of fish and chips from a walk up shop around the corner from our Airbnb - $20 for both

Our Airbnb on Isle of Skye

A Passing Place on a narrow road

You have to read both of the signs

Susie took this great picture of us sharing the narrow road with Highlands cattle

This is one of several inland freshwater lochs (lakes) very near the coast

Applecross shoreline

We are loaded up and ready to leave Applecross, Scotland

This is a picture of a picture hanging in the pub showing part of the road we took today


  1. Hello! What a fabulous journey! You two are our ambassadors to the Isles. Glad the weather has been good to you.♥️♥️

  2. Replies
    1. They really were nice roads, but you can't let your guard down.

  3. im kinda impressed with photos,good job Sue !!

    1. Susie says thanks Ted, and that you are a pretty decent bother in law.
