Thursday, September 26, 2019

September 26, 2019 - Isle of Skye, Scotland

Today Scotland gav us a little taste of what the normal weather is like.  After a quick coffee and breakfast in our Airbnb we geared up and headed out on the bike for the northern part of the island.  It was raining and in the low to mid 50s when we left and pretty much stayed like that for our 5 hour ride.

After about an hour and less than 30 miles we stopped in a small coffee shop in Portree, the largest city on the island.  We were chilled and the rain was solid.  The coffee and warmth helped and the weather lightened up a little. We had a nice conversation with a couple of young guys from Ann Arbor, Michigan who were traveling for a week in Scotland.  It's great to see young Americans traveling overseas.

We warmed up and then did a little shopping and bought a couple of sandwiches in a local bakery to take back for dinner.  At one point we considered turning around and heading back but in the end decided to keep heading north.

We went all the way to the north end of the island and circled around to head back south.  The weather changed again and started raining.  Our gear kept us dry but we did get chilled again.  The northern part of the island is really desolate.  At one point I mentioned NASA could test Mars landing equipment here.  We didn't take a lot of pictures today but you can get a feel from the ones we did take.

The place we are staying has a small wood stove so we fired that up when we got back to warm up and dry out.  Tomorrow we head to Glencoe.

The route we followed today

On the road on Isle of Skye, Scotland




Warming up after ride


  1. Uh oh. Sorry about that! Still beautiful though. More sun tomorrow I hope.❤️

  2. i thought you were locked up behind bars there. but its clear that they know you would burn yourself ....

    1. Yes, that's true. Too bad you're not here to keep us straight.
