Sunday, July 30, 2023

July 30, 2023 - Tintagel, England - Port Isaac (Doc Martin)

 The weather forecast for today was 70, partly cloudy with minimal chance of rain.  Guess what?  This is England, so it was low 60s, windy and rainy.  We didn't have far to ride, just to the other side of Cornwall, first to visit Port Isaac, the town where the TV series Doc Martin was filmed, and then on to Tintagel where we are staying 2 nights.  

The "roads" between Port Isaac and Tintagel were very narrow, single-laned, two-way traffic, with 8-10 foot high hedges on both sides, blind corners, hairpin turns, mixed with wind and rain.  Kind of stressful on the GS, but we did good.  The English drivers are so used to these roads and conditions that they don't even slow down most of the time. They sometimes turn in to miniscule pull-over areas, flash their lights for us to keep going, or they just keep going, not slowing down, figuring we're just a motorcycle and can squeeze by.

For my brother Ted - the REGULAR GS did great.  I think the GS Adventure is too wide and bulky to run on these narrow roads, thank you.  

Horse trailer on the 2-way, single-laned, hedge-lined road between Port Isaac and Tintagel.  This photo was taken by Sooz, while riding on the back seat, in the rain!

If you ever watched Doc Martin, you will recognize this building as the Doc's surgery (doctor office)

Port Isaac, or what was called Port Wenn, in the Doc Martin series

Me disappointed not seeing Doc Martin

This shop was filled with Doc Martin paraphernalia 

Sooz wondering why they don't trim their hedges in England

Sooz telling me to hurry up in Port Isaac

Port Isaac

Hotel check-in at the Cornishman Inn, Tintagel


  1. GSA would plow thru puny, small and weak roads. they would be wondering what happened. Sue you are getting to be quite the Moto Camera woman ! very nice work. Let go to the next step and stand up leaning on the ft rider to get high perspective from tiny GS platform to make it look like you are on A GSA

  2. Very Nice bay front town, looks like your husband is cold BRR
