Friday, April 5, 2024

It Begins

 My brother Ted bought a new 2023 BMW 1600 GT at a dealer in Burbank, California and invited me to meet him there and ride home together, which I agreed to.  I will leave Gainesville around April 6 or 7, 2024 and start riding west. Sooz will not be joining me on this trip. When Ted and I ride together we don't do excessive stopping and staying multiple days in one spot. He owns and runs an auto repair shop and can't take more than 3 weeks off, including spending 4-5 days visiting his daughter in Denver.  So we will be moving right along.

Ted wants to ride up the California coast and visit Vancouver Island in Canada. It looks beautiful.  Round trip for me will in the 7,000 mile range if we go there.  Should be fun.